Little Haven TherapiesReflexology for Waterlooville, Hampshire

Indian Head Massage #01

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. - William James

What is Indian Head Massage?

Indian Head Massage is a non-invasive complementary therapy which involves massaging the upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp, face and ears. It is wonderfully relaxing, and is fantastic for releasing all the stress and tension held in all the muscles in these areas. It has both physical and psychological benefits and helps to promote an overall sense of well-being.

What happens in a session?

Your first session will include a consultation at the start, where we will briefly discuss your medical history and then talk about your lifestyle, as well as anything in particular which as brought you to have a massage. Then you will take a seat on the chair and relax while I give you a fabulous Indian Head Massage!

How long does it last?

Approximately 35 minutes

Will I have to take off any clothes?

No, you will remain fully clothed throughout.

Can anyone have an Indian Head Massage?

This therapy can be enjoyed by almost anyone of any age, from young to old and everyone in between! There are a very few reasons why it would not be suitable, but we will always have a consultation at the beginning of your first session to ensure it is appropriate for you.

How much does it cost?

£25 for 30 minutes

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